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Five Biological Laws

New German Medicine
“The differentiation between the psyche, the brain, and the body is purely academic. In reality, they are one.” (Ryke Geerd Hamer)

German New Medicine is not only a new paradigm of medicine, it is also a new consciousness. It is the awareness that our organism possesses an inexhaustible creativity and remarkable self-healing capabilities.


It is the recognition that each cell of our body is endowed with a biological wisdom we share with all living beings. (Caroline Markolin, Ph.D.) “Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it is consistent with the laws of Nature.” (Michael Faraday)

All medical theories, whether conventional or “alternative”, past or current, are based on the concept that diseases are “malfunctions” of the organism. Dr. Hamer's discoveries show, however, that nothing in Nature is “diseased” but always biologically meaningful. According to the Five Biological Laws, diseases are not malignancies, as claimed by conventional medicine, but are instead age-old “Biological Special Programs of Nature” created for our survival. The Five Biological Laws are in perfect harmony with spiritual laws. Because of this truth, in Spanish call the New Medicine “La Medicina Sagrada”, the Sacred Medicine.


Based on strict scientific criteria, the Five Biological Laws of the New Medicine are applicable to practically all diseases known in medicine and are verifiable in each patient's case. Since 1981, Dr. Hamer's findings have been tested more than 30 times by several physicians and professional associations supported by signed documents. All documents attest to the 100% accuracy of his discoveries.

Five Biological Laws: Citations

New German Medicine

1st law ("Iron Rule"):

Severe diseases originate from a shock event which is experienced by the individual as very difficult, highly acute, dramatic and isolating. The shock’s psychological conflict content determines the location of the appearance of a focus of activity in the brain that can be seen in a CT scan as a set of concentric rings, called "Hamer foci", which correspond to the location of the disease in the body. The subsequent development of the conflict determines the development of both the brain focus and the disease.


2nd law (Two phased nature of disease):

A patient who has not solved their conflict is in the first, active conflict phase, where the sympathetic nervous system predominates and which manifests as a "cold disease" accompanied by cold skin and extremities, stress, weight loss and sleep disorders. If they manage to resolve the conflict, they enter a second, post-resolution healing phase, in which the parasympathetic nervous system predominates, commonly diagnosed as a separate "warm" (rheumaticinfectiousallergic, etc.) disease. This second phase is the one which usually entails more risks, and a complete cure only comes upon its completion. In some circumstances, not solving the conflict but downgrading it to a reasonably livable level may be preferable than facing the second phase.


3rd law (Ontogenetic system of diseases):

Hamer proposes that disease progression is primarily controlled by the brain, either by the "old brain" (brainstem and cerebellum) or the "new brain" (cerebrum). The old brain controls more primitive processes, having to do with basic survival, such as breathing, eating, and reproduction, whereas the new brain manages more advanced personal and social issues, such as territorial conflicts, separation conflicts and self-devaluation and identity conflicts. Hamer's research is tied to the science of embryology because he links the type of disease progression—whether involving tissue augmentation (tumor growth), tissue loss (necrosis or ulceration) or functional impairment—with the embryonic germ layer (endoderm, mesoderm or ectoderm) from which both the organ tissues and the corresponding brain regions originate. Conflicts which have their focus either in the brain stem (which controls body tissues that derive from the endoderm) or the cerebellum (which controls tissues that derive from the mesoderm) show cell multiplication in the conflict active phase, and destruction of the resulting tumors in the healing phase. Cerebrum directed conflicts (affecting the rest of mesoderm-derived tissues and all ectoderm-derived ones) show either cell decrease (necroses, ulcers) or function impairment or interruption in the active phase, and the replenishment of the damaged tissues in the healing phase (which can also be diagnosed as a tumor).


4th law (Ontogenetic system of microbes):

Microbes do not cause diseases but are used by the body, coordinated by the brain, to optimize the healing phase, provided that the required microbes are available when needed. Fungi and mycobacteria work on tissues that originated in the endoderm, as well as on some of the tissues originating in the mesoderm. Bacteria work on all mesoderm derived tissues and viruses on ectoderm derived ones. Hamer maintains that these microbes, rather than being antagonistic to the body, actually perform a necessary role in healing, and that some of the interventions of conventional medicine are counterproductive, by interfering with these natural processes.


5th law ("Quintessence"):

The conflict active phase and the healing phase of diseases, as described above, constitute "special meaningful programs of nature," developed during the evolution of the species, to allow organisms to override everyday functioning in order to deal with particular emergency situations.


Therefore, according to Hamer, no real diseases exist; rather, what established medicine calls a "disease" is actually a "special meaningful program of nature" (sinnvolles biologisches Sonderprogramm) to which bacteria, viruses and fungi belong. Hamer's GNM claims to explain every disease and treatment according to those premises, and to thereby obviate traditional medicine. The cure is always the resolving of the conflict. Some treatments like chemotherapy or pain relieving drugs like morphine are deadly according to Hamer.

Five Biological Laws: Citations
Madre Verde Library
Five Biological Laws: Image

Ryke Geerd Hamer


Ryke Geerd Hamer was born in MettmannGermany, in 1935. He received his high school diploma at age 18 and started medical and theological studies in Tübingen, where he met Sigrid Oldenburg, a medical student who later became his wife. At age 20, Hamer passed the preliminary examination in medicine, and in April 1962 passed his medical state examination in Marburg. He was granted a professional license as a doctor of medicine in 1963. After spending a number of years at the University Clinics of Tübingen and Heidelberg, Hamer completed his specialization in internal medicine in 1972. He also worked in several practices with his wife, and he patented several inventions.[3]

Hamer's license to practice medicine was revoked in 1986 by a court judgment, which was reconfirmed in 2003. As he continued to treat patients, Hamer was investigated several times over allegations of malpractice and causing the deaths of patients.[4] He was jailed for twelve months in Germany from 1997 to 1998, and served a prison term from September 2004 to February 2006 in Fleury-MérogisFrance, on counts of fraud and illegal practicing. He subsequently lived in voluntary exile in Spain until March 2007, when Spanish medical authorities held him responsible for dozens of preventable deaths.[5] In 1997, Hamer owned clinics in Germany, BelgiumItalyAustria, and the Netherlands,[6] and at one point resided in Norway.[3][7]

Five Biological Laws: About Me

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